Monday, February 15, 2010

Mission Photo Monday: a little mission

Mother Teresa Orphanage, Ethiopia
Kidmia, Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Walliso, Ethiopia
These pictures were taken last summer in Ethiopia.

When someone says "Ethiopia", or, "Africa", particularly referring to the Eastern and Horn of Africa area, what do you envision? Famine? Deserts? Desolation? Barren land? Death?

While all of these things are accurate descriptions of some parts of of Africa some of the time, my love for Eastern Africa and the African people drives me to want my friends and family to see the beauty of Africa. So, a little mission that I have whenever the opportunity presents itself is to share the beauty that the Lord has given to His children in Africa.
"The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world, and those who dwell there in, for He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers."
~Psalm 24:1~

There is no part of the Creation that does not reflect the glory of the Lord. Even in the wilderness, we see His face. And usually it is in the wilderness that we see Him most clearly of all.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Audrey,

    THANK YOU for that amazing news about D!!! I actually HAD NOT seen that and it was AMAZING to come back from vacation and see your comment. Of course after I read that I rushed over to RR to see for my self. Oh my God is GREAT! I still can't believe it. Thank you thank you!

    On another note..Please pray for God to provide in some big ways for me and my family right now. I can't go into details because nothing is for sure but I KNOW God can do anything. Thanks

    On another, nother note (come on I have been gone for a week and have some catching up to do ;) ) I love your mission photo Monday's. They are almost as wonderful as you. *giggle*

