Thursday, November 5, 2009

some updates and King Arthur

Ok, so I know that I've abandoned my blogging and I won't even try to excuse it.

BUT, I will apologize for the coming abandonment. Since I was in eighth grade and fell in love with the Broadway musical "Wicked", I have absolutely loved theater. I've been a part of my school's drama department since my freshman year and have participated in two plays and two musicals with them. Right now we are working on a production of King Arthur. In the past, I have always performed in the show, but for this one I decided that I wanted to try working back stage since none of the characters really caught my attention anyway. It has been a lot of fun to get this new experience of being Props manager and Stage manager for the show.

All that to say, if any of you have ever participated in any kind of stage performance, you know what a lot of craziness comes with "Production Week". don don donnnnn


Basically from tomorrow until the cast party after the last show on next Friday the 13th it'll be nonstop King Arthur for me and my fellow dramamates. All day except for during school (and we're even getting some time off of school) we'll be a-workin'. Literally, 'til about midnight every night. One of my friends is even living with us this coming week since her family lives to far out to come get her every night that late and its easy for us to just take her to school in the morning.

I am so honored that the Lord has chosen me to help be a part of this beautiful art for His Glory. I am so amazed at the incredible teamwork and relationship building that I see around me and am so blessed by my director and even fellow students continually leading our team to prayer, even in the middle of a rehearsal, if something is going wrong or we really need help with a specific thing, or even if we are just losing our focus for a minute, its drop everything and pray. Even with all the work ahead, I am so excited because God has called us to excellence in everything we do to show forth His Kingdom to a hungry world. And, its fun. :)

On another note, Michael and Julia, my precious brown babies, are turning FOUR on Monday! Wow. They're still my babies. I'll hardly get to spend any time with them on Monday but I'll still try to do a birthday and a blessing post for them after some of the craziness wears off.

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a good excuse for not blogging! :) Keep up the hard work and be sure to update us when it's all over!
