Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wonderful Week

Disclaimer*** the pictures weren't taken in Africa.

But it felt a lot like it. I've blogged once before about working with the B*ntu refugees here in my city, and I can't wait to tell you all about the past week that we had with them, but for now, just some pictures.

Group Picture-- this week's theme was 'You are Special'
Me and Arb*y

What an awesome picture. Yay for water day.

Some people do art. H* does ART!!!!!:)
The big slide!!! You never get to old for these things.


Painted H*ss**n. We take our art very seriously around here. :)

More later!

1 comment:

  1. SO cool! I wish there was something like this where I live!! Looks like a lot of fun! If the boy in the last picture's name is what I think it is, he has the same name as my "brother" in Uganda. It made me smile (:
