Saturday, March 20, 2010

French Braid Attempt

Emphasis on the word attempt.

She has lovely hair, though.


  1. It's comin' it's comin'! You have to do it over and over again to get it down! At least you have a little sister to practice on! :)

  2. audrey, did your mom get my mom's email about our friends who adopted three girls from Haiti??...i don't know if I spelled that right!... ;p anyways! my mom sent your mom an email with the link of our friends blog and it shows the MANY MANY different types of hair styles shes's given the girls!! :) this entry just reminded me...

  3. I don't know if she got it or not... I would love to do Julia's hair in cornrows or something, but she will NOT sit still. Maybe when she's older.. :)

  4. oh! haha! yeah! some....well....ALL of the hair styles that the girls' mom has done have been AMAZING!!! i've loved seeing ALL of them!! would you like to see the pictures??...i can send you their blog link....via email...if you'd like!
