This sweet family has committed to adopting Heidi, and they're working their tails off with fundraising, paperwork, and getting everything ready for their girl to come home! I'm so inspired by their faith in the Father's provision as they set forth on this adventure and am honored to be walking alongside them and considered a part of Heidi's team. Hop on over to their blog to read more about their story and donate towards their adoption fund!
Guys, people say that miracles don't happen any more. People say that hope is nonsense and prayer is useless.
Heidi was abandoned. Forsaken. Without value. Without hope. But now, love has intervened. Magic has transformed her future. She has hope.
Kind of like us, right? Lost, helpless, trapped by sin. Completely enslaved to death without the intervening love of Christ on our behalf. His magic reversed our doom, like death working backward and cracking the Stone Table in half in The Chronicles of Narnia.This is the best of news. This is the Gospel.
I'm overwhelmed by His goodness and His beautiful plan for Heidi's life. At school we begin each day with a short chapel time during which we recite The Gloria. It reads:
"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of goodwill.
We praise You.
We bless You.
We adore You.
We glorify You.
We give thanks to You for Your great glory."
Ever since I heard the Peterson's news, I've been repeating and repeating the Gloria in my head, as well as the Scripture verse that I chose for Heidi when I first became her warrior:
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
~Matthew 5:8~
Thank you for celebrating with me.