I'm a fan of blog code names. I like telling you folks whats going on, but I really don't feel comfortable telling the whole world other people's names. Because they might not want me too, and its awkward asking them. So, thats that.
Any how the Eights moved in today!Remeber the pictures of our basement from the flood? You probably won't even be able to recognize it as the same place in these photos. My mom, Joey, LG, and I went down this evening after dinner to have cake with them for Mr. Eight's birthday. Michael and Julia were already abed and Dad was (is) outside mowing the lawn.
The floor is now blue, and we're sleeping 6 kids in that one little area, you can see another bed way back in the toy nook back there.
And there's a kitchen which definitely wasn't there before...
(lighting candles)
"Sparrow" Eight. Because she's pretty, even though this is kind of a weird picture. She's not very photogenic, but she is pretty.
Cutie "Peter"!!! I'm determined to make this baby like me! He is super serious, he rarely smiles and hardly ever laughs. But I will persist in my endeavor, Peter will like me. We shall see.